What to Consider When Choosing a Roommate: Tips From Moving and Storage Companies

Posted on: August 21, 2019 | by: Advantage Moving & Stroage October 15, 2019

Professional moving and storage companies like Advantage offer some tips on how to select the right roommate

Living alone can be expensive, what with all the rent payments, utilities, grocery bills, and internet bills. In this economy, many younger people (and some older people) are opting to live with roommates to save on the cost of living. Of course, finding a roommate can be tough and there are lots of things you need to consider. You need to make sure your potential roommate is financially stable, space-conscious, and willing to chip in with the housework.

Professional moving and storage companies like Advantage understand the importance of picking the right roommate. That is why we are here with this list of important things you should consider before picking a roommate.

Financial Stability

First things first, you need to make sure your potential roommate is financially stable enough to pay their share of the bills. Too many roommate arrangements are ruined by one person not paying their fair share, so above all, the roommate you pick should have a good financial history, good renting history, and stable employment. The problem is that when you sign a lease with another person, both of you are on the hook for bills, even if one person does not pay their half. So above all, inquire your future roommate about their financial history, spending habits, and income.

Standards of Living

If you are a very clean person, then there is no way you could live with someone who has messy habits. You will eventually get tired having to come home and do all the dishes and take out the trash. You should sit down with any potential roommates and have a candid discussion about living standards. Moving and storage companies like Advantage Moving & Storage recommend asking questions about things like chore duties, expectations about cleanliness, tolerance for loud noises, sleep schedule, and any other things that affect the living space.

Consider Looking Outside Your Circle of Friends

Just because someone is a good friend does not mean they make a good roommate. While you may like hanging out with this person during the day, you all may not mesh well sharing a living space. That is why you should consider looking outside your group of close friends for a roommate. There are several forums and sites on the internet where you can look for and vet potential roommates.

If you are planning your move, give Advantage a call at 512-443-6141. We are among the top moving and storage companies in the Algonquin area and will work with you at every step of the moving process.